Thursday, February 26, 2009

Im running behind where has the time gone

I am so far behind on updating Matt's progress. He was weighed again on 19th February and is due to be weighed again soon. He now weighs 1394g but the nurses think when he gets weighed very soon he will be over 1500g. He is getting soo big to us but still small to every one else that has normal sized babies. Matt will be 6 weeks tomorrow the time is going fast which is good. I have been trying to upload pics but sometimes blogger plays up so i will try again. We have some nice photos with his eyes open and in one particular photo he looks so cheeky like he is smiling we happen to be over there late at night and he was wide awake so it was nice. Poor baby still has an infection and hopefully they are trying to wean him off the ventilators when his lungs clear up. He was very naughty yesterday he had a new tube inserted to hopefully help him get better cos the other one had a lot of gunk in it and when they were putting it in his heart went really low and they had to do cardiac massage on him but he came back bright eyed which was good but the dr said there could be some side effects like problems with his kidneys etc but he is peeing fine which is good they are just keeping an eye on him. Im finding he is awake and alert more now so the camera comes out so often, he is by sure the most photographed baby in his room if not the whole newborn area. He also got his photo taken yesterday by a real photographer they were getting shots of nurses in action for world nurse day in May so Matt had his taken with his nurse but hopefully we will be out of the hospital by then so we aren't in the hospital then.


  1. My gorgeous clever nephew is already going to be a media star!!!. How could they not use his cute face for world nurse day can't wait to see him next week

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Last comment from Leon was actually from his not very biased aunty!!! still figuring out some of these things, gee what will Matt think when he grows up and see Aunty Shirelle's first botched attempt at a comment
