This pic was taken just after Matt was weighed, bathed and fed. When the nurse was feeding him and he wouldnt take his eyes off her, so now he has a full tummy and looking up at me. I just love those eyes wide awake and very alert. We can just sit there for ages just looking at him, well i do most days anyway. The nurses are preparing us that he might be moving bays soon. Matt is the 2nd wellest baby in our room so he will be moving bays soon if they need a bed for any reason. He is wearing clothes now and 5 zero's are still too big but i think we will get good value for money as he will be able to wear them for a little while longer still.
I think gets weighed and bathed now every 2 days which will be good. He got weighed today and lost about 10g but he does have to work harder now.
I love this photo Sharon a new favorite one my clever handsome nephew